Batch Planning Means More Time and Success for Elementary Teachers

Batch planning is the ultimate time-saver for elementary teachers!

“Time! There’s never enough time!”- said every teacher ever

This is the number one thing all teachers say they need more of. I recently asked a group of over 600 teachers what their biggest struggle is when it comes to lesson planning. And by far the majority of them said…time…there never seems to be enough time in the school day to actually plan and prepare for the lessons that we elementary teachers have to actually teach. 

Elementary teacher planning time seems to be less and less each year. We have to ask ourselves is it because of all the other things we need to get done? Yes! Can lesson planning for elementary school be more productive? Yes! All we need is a system and process to follow! We need to take back our time and enjoy our out-of-school lives!

I remember my first few years as a classroom teacher. I really struggled when it came to lesson planning. I knew there had to be a better way! But that was not something that was taught in any of my college courses. We were taught how to make in-depth plans but not how to efficiently plan and prepare. We definitely were not taught how to plan for multiple subjects for those of us who teach ALL THE THINGS!

I decided enough was enough and I came up with a better process for lesson planning. I had heard of batch work before so I decided to try it when it came to lesson planning. The result was incredible! The key to my success of leaving at contract time each day is batch planning!

desktop with laptop, glasses, and notebook

What is Batch Planning?

Batch planning is a system when you plan for large chunks of time focused on a specific task. For example, I mark off the first Wednesday of every month to plan all of my reading lessons for the entire month. If you’re thinking, NO WAY, just hear me out. It seems like an overwhelming task in the beginning. Once you start batch planning, it actually ends up saving you a lot of time and gives you much more freedom to focus on other tasks throughout the week!

Teachers who batch lesson plans have much more freedom and do not need to take work home with them in the evenings or on the weekends. They get to spend more time with family and friends doing the things they love. Think of it as meal prep but for lesson planning.

black and white striped notebook with pastel highlighters

Benefits of Batch Planning

Increase Your Productivity

Batch planning helps increase your productivity! By focusing on a specific task you’re making your brain work at a higher functioning level. This means you can get more done in less time. 

Focus Improves

Your focus on the task itself also improves! When you eliminate all other distractions you’re more successful with using your time. Batch planning one subject at a time will help you thrive instead of survive!

Stronger Lessons

You will also create stronger lessons during batch lesson planning! It makes sense. If you’re focused on one subject for an extended period of time, then you can dig deeper with the content and really hone in on what the students need to learn. The stronger your lessons the stronger your student learning!

More Energy to Teach

You also have more energy to actually teach the lessons that you are planning!  By freeing up your thinking and what you need to get done, you’ll have more energy to actually teach the students. You have your plan set in place and don’t feel frantic by trying to get everything ready.

Gives You Time

Oh, the time!  It may seem odd, but batch planning actually gives you back more time. While you are working on planning for a large chunk of time, you end up with more time later because you already have everything planned out in advance. You get to use that time however you choose! Maybe even head off-campus to even so sweet solitude!

clipboard surrounded by highlighters, glue, tape, and pencils

How to Batch Plan as an Elementary Teacher

Put a Date on the Calendar for Batch Planning

Pick a date (or dates) on the calendar that you want to batch lesson plan. Whatever you choose, stick to it! Hold yourself accountable and focus on planning for that subject. This will look different depending on if you are departmentalized or non-departmentalized

Decide What You Will Plan & Gather All Resources

Now decide specifically what you will batch plan on that date. Choose a time of the day when you can work uninterrupted. Make sure to gather all of the resources you need before you begin planning. You don’t want to waste any precious time. Put all of your resources in your planning area so they’re ready to go!

clock and part of calendar

Check the School Calendar for Important Dates

Remember to check your school calendar for any important dates! Include time for field trips, breaks, or special events. Build in some flex days while planning in case any interruptions come up. Gotta love those unexpected drills!

Big Picture First

Start with the big picture for lesson planning. This is probably the unit itself. Then focus on your standards and weekly lessons. If you have a yearly scope and sequence follow that to help you be even more efficient.

marble background with pens, markers, and a watch

Tips for Batch Planning

Start Small with Batch Planning

Start small when it comes to batch planning. Try starting with planning two weeks ahead. If you try too much too soon, then you’ll become overwhelmed and frustrated. Find what works for you in the beginning. Then you can increase as you learn more.

Eliminate All Distractions

To be successful at batch lesson planning, eliminate all unnecessary distractions. Turn off your phone or place face down with the sound off. Close any tabs on your computer including email. And close your classroom door to keep others from bothering you. It’s absolutely okay to set those boundaries!

Include Reflection Time

Include reflection time during your batch planning. Think about how well you did and how you can be more successful next time. You can focus later on improving the lessons themselves with that newfound time!

Set-Up Your Work Area for Success

Of course, we want a productive and happy work area! Grab your favorite snacks and drinks. Turn on music that will help you be productive. And set a timer for the amount of time that you will work.

Follow these tips for batch planning and take back your teacher planning time!

Love this journey for you,
