How to Overcome Teacher Burnout and Stress for Elementary Teachers

Teacher burnout is a growing problem in America. We are asking more and more of teachers while giving them less and less. So, how do we as elementary teachers work to overcome burnout? It’s more than just taking a few deep breaths and hoping for help. We have to take action instead of reacting. Grab your favorite beverage and read on for some steps to start implementing today!

Let’s be honest. Teaching isn’t for everyone. There are people that are meant to teach and people that teach for a paycheck. Which category do you belong in? I am definitely meant to teach, but that doesn’t mean that it is my whole life or I am not burned out. 

I actually had a VERY rough start to my school year and was looking for other jobs. The realization I came to was I just am tired of dealing with classroom management. If kids could just come to school and behave that would make my teaching job so much easier. The beginning of the year is EXHAUSTING. I was using my self-care strategies, but I just was not happy.

A dear friend of mine said to think about this as my job right now. It’s not my calling or my passion, it’s just my job. That is such a hard thing to wrap my head around, but it has helped me so much. I know that teaching is my job and that’s okay. I wake up, go to my job, and come home. Maybe that can help you, too.

What is Teacher Burnout?

Psychology Today describes burnout as “a state of chronic stress that leads to physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism, detachment, and feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment.”

Signs of burnout:

  • Exhaustion (fatigue and sleep issues)
  • Depression & Anxiety
  • Appetite & weight issues
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Losing the passion or motivation to be a teacher
  • Being easily emotionally dysregulated
  • Difficulty performing basic tasks


Contributing factors to teacher burnout are too many to list. But they can be summed up in a few short phrases: excessive workload, lack of support, and emotional exhaustion.

If you are feeling any of these signs, know you are not alone. There are action steps you can take to overcome burnout.


Work/Life Balance is Crucial for Teachers

What exactly is work/life balance as a teacher? It is more than just leaving schoolwork at school. It takes time and practice to achieve and maintain that balance. Even I have to remind myself of these steps. It’s not something that can be done overnight, but you can do it! 

When you start to feel any of the symptoms listed above, it’s time to reflect on why. Is it because of your job? Personal life? Both? 

I ignored the warning signs a few years ago and I spiraled into a deep depression and major anxiety. I could not eat, sleep, or function as a whole person. It wasn’t just my job that led to this burnout (I had some serious personal issues), but I hit rock bottom before I took action. I ended up taking FMLA for 6 weeks and went through intensive outpatient therapy. 

People were asking me if I was okay. They knew that something was wrong, but I kept ignoring the signs. It was more than just needing to exercise (which I was doing) and eating healthy (I was trying to).

Practical Strategies for Work/Life Balance as a Teacher

Step #1: Set Boundaries

  • It’s okay to say no. So often as teachers, we feel we must say yes. NO! We do not have to do it all or be the ones to do it all. The more we say no, the easier it becomes.
  • Define your work hours. Most teachers have contract hours. Yet, we continue to work well beyond those hours. Why? We feel we need to get everything done in a specific time frame. We don’t! Decide what you want your work hours to be for the week (this may fluctuate from week to week) and stick to it. Any unfinished work will still be there are you can complete it the next day.
  • Delegate tasks. We can’t do it all. And as someone who loves to be in control…I have to be able to let things go. How? Delegate tasks to colleagues and students. Are there jobs around the classroom that students can do? Let them! Something that needs to be done for your team? Have a colleague handle it. It’s okay to let go of that control and do what is best for you.

Step #2: Time Management

  • Prioritize your tasks. What needs to be done today? What can wait until tomorrow? Or next week? Write out a list and stick to it! Having a visual will help you stay focused and get things done.
  • Create a schedule. As teachers, we rely on a daily schedule. So, why not utilize one for our prep time? Make a schedule for what you need to do during your prep time. See if you can create one to follow each day/week to help save yourself time.
  • Be productive. Use tools that will help you be more productive. If you are spending hours lesson planning, think about a way to streamline the process. I use a curriculum map to help me save time with unit/weekly lesson planning. You can also use the Pomodoro method to help with productivity and focus.

Step #3: Disconnect from Work

  • Focus on hobbies and things you enjoy. For me, I love to exercise and it is my escape from it all (work and life). Find what brings you joy and dedicate time to it each day.
  • Quality time. This is my #1 Love Language. I need time with my loved ones. Without it, I feel isolated and alone. Spend time with people that make you happy. Family, friends, colleagues, etc. Just remember to try not to talk about work.
  • Practice mindfulness. If you are thinking of meditation…that is just one way to practice. I am not a meditation person, but I find other ways to focus my mind. I love to read and get lost in a book. I make it a point to read every night before going to bed. By doing this, I am able to refocus my mind on something else and not on what I need to do for work.

Self-Care for Teachers

If you’re anything like me, this phrase may ignite some anger. We have been told for years to practice self-care. But the demands keep piling on top of us. So, how do we actually follow through on self-care as teachers?

  • Mindfulness exercises: I’m not one for meditation, but I find other ways to focus my mind. Exercise, reading, walking my dog, travel, etc. I know some people who love to cook or bake. Some people like to create crafts. Explore different options and discover what works for you. 
  • Relaxation techniques: I love a good trip to the spa. While that is not everyone’s jam, I find it to be very relaxing. Maybe yours is a walk outside. Curled up in bed with a good book. Yoga. There are so many ways to relax…find what you like and make sure to include it into your self-care routine.


After you start exploring different options, figure out what you can work into your daily/weekly/monthly routine. I can exercise every day, but not go to the spa. I save the spa time for a bimonthly treat. Find your inner peace and make sure to take time for yourself.


Find a Supportive Community

The only way to get through things is by having other people on your side. Maybe you have colleagues that will help. Maybe admin is your go-to. It’s okay to seek counseling services outside your school. 

No matter who you lean on, make sure it is beneficial for you. There are some people I like to vent to and others I want advice from. Find the people that fill your cup.


Teacher Burnout Prevention

In order for teachers to get better, the system has to improve. Until that happens, use these steps to help yourself. Remember that you are a person and can only do so much. Take time for yourself and find the joy in your journey.